I am really not sure how I feel about this. It was not because I am a middle school teacher, it was not because I am adopting a rescue dog, it was not because I have overcome diseases, a failed marriage, and weighing up to 400 lbs for awhile, and it was not because I am a good person.
Here I was minding my own business, rocking out to some California Love, doing my thing on the treadmill at the gym when this older lady came up and scared the living crap out of me. I paused my music and she got very close and said, "I wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration." I thanked her and she walked away. I've never seen her before. I have no idea who she is. She doesn't know my story. All she saw was A FAT GIRL RUNNING ON A TREADMILL. Seriously? This is why I am an inspiration? I don't understand it. Is it because I manage to get my earbuds in despite having 16 earrings in my ears? Is it because I have butterflies tattooed on my legs? Is it because I have the oldest Ipod known to man and my shoes and clothes are old and crappy? I have no idea. I should have asked her why she thought I was an inspiration. Was it like, hey... a fat girl can do this, so an old lady had to be able to do it also? I really don't think I am any type of inspiration, especially since it was based upon my appearance.
I actually think I am kind of pissed off about this.
Don't be, take it as one woman witnessing another woman grabbing her life by the horns instead of sitting down and watching it go by. Fat, thin, old, young, anyone willing to put in the work to change their life is inspiring.