Monday, June 4, 2012

The kitchen.

Cumberland kitchen is not a one person in charge kind of place.  From the first day we walked in we were in the kitchen making magic.  At first I was intimidated because I hadn't really had much experience with this whole cooking on an open fire in the middle of the woods thing.  By the end of the week people were asking me all sorts of crazy questions like I knew what I was doing.  I suppose it is part of who I am associated with, as Mark is the kitchen rock star.  It was kind of funny.  Anyway, I made some dank food while I was out there.  In addition to the dishes I made, I assisted on many things as well.

I made carrots with brown sugar, honey, orange peel and rosemary, potatoes with onion and garlic, sweet  yams with pineapple, cinnamon and fresh herbs, battered broccoli bites, sweet potato and leek soup, and hush puppies with onion and chili powder.  And, if you did not realize, I made these things having never made them before, not knowing how they would turn out, not really measuring anything, and having totally random ingredients.  It was great though.  Nearly every dish made it around dinner circle at least once, if not twice.  I suppose after these dishes people thought I knew what I was doing.

For those curious, we boil water for dishes, tap a spring for fresh water, and collect donations for bulk food purchase.  I went on a supply run one day with Mark.  It was interesting to see what we could get with the small amount we had.  We were in an area that didn't have a great deal of resources, but we made it work.  Hopefully we will be heading to the site near Johnson City for Nationals because there are a great number of resources he has found in that area.

When I went on the supply run, we went to West Liberty, KY.  The town recently destroyed by a tornado.  I have pictures of the town and will post them as soon as I get my pictures off my phone.

... it's laundry time.

Until the next installment, Lovin You!

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