Sunday, June 21, 2009

If you're going to San Francisco ...

This city is amazing! We made it in the 6th inning of the Giants game but it had several extra innings so we were all good. It was freezing. I'm glad I bought a sweatshirt in Venice Beach! Mom said it was 95 and heat wave at home today, so I'm not complaining. After the game we headed to Chinatown for dinner. I had steamed rice and veggies. We checked into the hotel after that and headed next door to Tony,s Joynt for drinks. This morning we got up and went to Alcatraz for our tour then on to explore Fisherman's Wharf. Of course we then went back to Chinatown and did some serious shopping. We got some cool stuff! I got a dress and slippers amongst other things. You bitches better appreciate the cool shit I've gotten for you! We then dropped our goods off at the hotel and headed to the Golden Gate Bridge for the sunset. We are now leaving Muir Woods (home of Redwoods) and I think going to Chinatown again for CJ to have Chinese food again. Would be nice to go somewhere I can eat, but oh well. I'm just happy to be on this adventure. I've seen more shit on this trip than I ever have. It just sucks that I have this stupid disease. There have been so many great foods I would have like to try and its kind of getting old hearing them say "I bet you can eat there", and why do you just try, so what if you get sick". No one really understands what it's like. At any rate, I'm happy to be here and we're off to Yosemite tomorrow and then Vegas. As we all know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

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